Rental Property
- Personal tax returns
- Rental property returns
- Family support calculations
- Company administration and Filing – Look Through Companies (LTCs)
- Tax reminders
- Monthly newsletters
- One month turnaround
- Are you obtaining the best possible tax refunds?
- Are you correctly interpreting the IRD rules around ‘Repairs & Maintenance’ versus ‘Improvements’?
- Do you know the 19 points you can’t afford to miss on your Rental tax return?
- Would you like your refund paid to you up front on a fortnightly basis, rather than at the end of the year?
- When buying, who should own the rental property, you, your partner, Jointly, Company, LTC or Trust? At what percentage?
- How can building depreciation come back to bite you?
- Is a Chattel Valuation worthwhile?
- How much of your Home Office costs can you claim?
- Are you recording car mileage?
- Did you know we can help you get the maximum refund from your tax return in the shortest possible time?
- Ask how we can help you to achieve discounts and free memberships with a range of leading NZ businesses and associations such as ANZ, Mitre 10, and Bunnings.
Janine, our in-house expert on rental accounting runs a blog in our website where she regularly writes to keep you updated. Read her blog here.